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    1. The Adreno Best Price Guarantee must be read subject to these Terms.
    2. To be eligible for the Adreno Best Price Guarantee, you must provide on the date of your purchase evidence of any genuine competitor's advertised price for identical product (ie, same brand, colour, model and quality) as advertised in a local daily newspaper, catalogue, radio, television advert or website. The competitor must have the identical product in stock at the time the product will be purchased by you.
    3. The identical product must be a lower price than the advertised price or the price you paid for the product, after all allowances, bonuses, cash backs, and discounts, include any delivery charges, and advertised and available for sale by a local retail competitor actively engaged in the domestic retail market (competitor), during the period seven (7) days prior of your purchase. You are required to supply us with evidence of the competitor's advertised price and Adreno reserves the right to verify the evidence of the identical product sold at the lower price.
    4. If your claim qualifies for the Best Price Guarantee, Adreno will lower the price by either reducing the advertised price or by the inclusion of bonus product to a value which betters the lower price.
    5. The Best Price Guarantee does not apply where:

    the competitor has an online store only, and does not have a physical retail store in Australia; the lower price is conditional, or a price determined after the allowance of any amount for, or is part of a promotion involving, financing, installation, delivery, bundling, rebates, cash back offer, free or bonus offer, trade discount, stock clearance or any limited quantity promotion;

    the lower price is offered for a bulk purchase;

    the lower price is offered under any promotion with a third party (including, but not limited to, promotions with newspapers, exhibitions or other special events);

    the lower price is not available to the general public;

    the identical product is advertised in classifieds, commercial resellers or distributors who sell direct to the public, parallel importers, grey importers, direct importers, fire or liquidation sales, rack, clearance and warehouse outlets;

    the lower price has been discounted by the competitor by use of coupons, loyalty rewards, redemption of frequent flyer miles or similar and other offers or incentives to reduce the total cost;

    1. the lower price has been discounted by the competitor on the basis that the product is a display stock only, end of line, seconds, refurbished/repaired lines, ex demo, limited quantity, clearance, trade or factory seconds, second hand or similar;
    2. the lower price is the result of an error by the competitor; and/or
    3. Adreno is unable to verify, using reasonable means, that the lower price or the advertised product is available for purchase.
    4. Adreno reserves the right not to sell below or at our cost price.
    5. The provision of the lower price or the inclusion of bonus product to a value which betters the lower price by Adreno will be the sole and exclusive compensation payable to you if you show Adreno did not meet the Best Price Guarantee.
    6. The Best Price Guarantee may be terminated or amended at any time without notice.
    7. The Best Price Guarantee is only available to you on the date of purchase. The Best Price Guarantee is subject to you complying with Adreno's usual terms and conditions of trade.
    8. The information you provide to Adreno will only be used to provide the Best Price Guarantee to you or to discuss your claim. A copy of Adreno's Privacy Policy is available on the website.