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    Canada Cup Spearfishing Competition Results - Report by Josh Green

    March 12, 2014 1 min read

    Canada Cup Spearfishing Competition Results - Report by Josh Green

    It has been a busy few weeks for Adreno's Junior Sponsored Diver, Josh Green. He has had competitions for three weekends in a row and we're happy for him with great results across the board, including coming 7th out of over 45 divers, despite being only 15 years old!

    Dived the Canada Cup a few weeks ago at Terrigal, Central Coast, NSW. It was an awesome comp, awesome conditions, lots of really good divers turned up! There was over 45 competitors in total.

    The water was warm, blue and teaming with fish which made the day a whole lot better. I am privileged to be diving in Joe Martindale’s boat. I have been on his crew for the past year with Taylah and even had Peter Saunders as boatie!

    I had an awesome comp coming 9th overall out of the 45 competitors and 2nd in juniors. I shot 19 species but only 18 weighed. Was stoked with how I went in my first comp for the year.

    Josh proudly displays his score sheet with 19 species

    Had a local Neptunes comp a fortnight ago also and went well in terrible conditions. Last weekend I dove the South Coast Championships so I will report back on that soon.

    Dive safe, Josh.


    Results from the 2014 Canada Cup


    Divers gather for the presentation


    Josh with Joe Martindale, father of current Australian Ladies Spearfishing Champion


    Josh with his spearo Dad, Phil Green


    Josh accepts his 2nd place at the Canada Cup