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    Belt Reels

    Belt reels are a relatively niche setup in spearfishing but has some huge advantages in terms of improving your safety in the water as well as your hunting capabilities. Typically, you'll use a belt reel in combination with a gun reel as a backup source of line. Some fish are capable of quickly using up your... Read More

    Belt Reels

    Belt reels are a relatively niche setup in spearfishing but has some huge advantages in terms of improving your safety in the water as well as your hunting capabilities. Typically, you'll use a belt reel in combination with a gun reel as a backup source of line. Some fish are capable of quickly using up your entire gun reel line, and can mean you need to ditch your gun in critical situations or get dragged, as many divers choose to use a reel without a dive float (although for your safety we'd advise against this). 

    Using a 1 m bungee to attach your belt reel to your gun, you're able to continue to let the fish run without having to ditch your gun. So essentially this means you're 1) less likely to lose the fish 2) less likely to lose your gun and 3) less likely to get yourself into a dangerous situation. With the potential for there to be this much line in the water, it's more crucial than ever to carry a dive knife with you.