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    The mission to meet the Great White Sharks of Neptune Island - Day 2

    July 11, 2011 2 min read

    Day 2 - Damn weather, a dirt-obsession and lifting weights

    We all woke up around 7am buzzing of our plans to dive Rapid Bay Jetty. Kieren got on the phone to a local dive shop who said conditions were very-very-far from great and that he would suggest against diving it on that particular day.

    After a bit of um-ing and ah-ing and "should we?” or "shouldn't we?" we decided not to dive but instead get a head-start to Whyalla. We re-packed the car - which might I add we were getting quite good at - and set on our way to Cuttlefish haven.

    Adelaide to Whyalla Sarah Shark Great White Shark Trip

    On the way we took a few detours in search of that "perfect scenery shot", some of which may have defied our "no off road" car hire agreement.

    Sarah Shark Offroad on Great White Shark Trip

    Also on our travels to Whyalla we stumbled across a Shark Expo in the small town of Port Pirie. Naturally, we couldnt not stop to have a look. The Expo was only very small and showcased "Shakka" which was a 5m, 1500kg female Great White that was caught in Port Pirie in August 2004. The Expo had a life-size model of Shakka and the original Jaws and Pectoral fins. We were all pretty amazing at the size of the model of Shakka and it certaintly added some fuel to our excitement!

    Shakka Great White Shark Sarah Shark

    Shakka Jaws Sarah Shark

    Shakka Pectoral Fin Sarah Shark

    We arrived in Whyalla at around 3pm, and popped over to Whyalla Dive Services to say hello to owner Tony and grab some tanks and a heap of weights in preparation for the mornings cuttlefish dive.

    That evening we went down to the local pub and met up with a few other members of our crew for some well-deserved dinner!

    I promise tomorrows blog will be all about the diving!
